picture collage from North Stokes High School Graduation

In a heartfelt ceremony, North Stokes High School honored its 68 graduates, celebrating their achievements and preparing them for the future with a series of inspiring themes. The event was a testament to the resilience, hope, and community spirit that define the school.

Clean Slate

The theme of a "Clean Slate" emphasized the importance of leaving behind past mistakes and embracing new beginnings. This marked a fresh start for the graduates, a chance to rewrite their stories and pursue their dreams with renewed vigor.


Acknowledging the constant evolution the graduates experienced, speakers highlighted the theme of "Change." They encouraged students to view change as an opportunity for growth and new experiences.

Create Your Future

Focusing on empowerment and personal agency, the theme "Create Your Future" urged graduates to take control of their destinies by making proactive decisions and staying true to their goals.


Throughout the ceremony, the significance of "Community" was emphasized. Graduates expressed gratitude for the support and camaraderie that helped them navigate their high school years, highlighting the strength found within their school and local community.

North Stokes is Kindness & Love

English teacher Mr. Brandes delivered an emotional address about what makes North Stokes high school a special place. "North Stokes is Kindness & Love," celebrating the school's core values. These principles of compassion and affection were described as the foundation of the school community. Graduates were urged to carry these values forward into their future endeavors, spreading kindness and love wherever they go.

The ceremony ended with a jubilant celebration, as graduates tossed their caps into the air, ready to embark on their next adventure. The themes of the day—Clean Slate, Change, Create Your Future, I Lived, Unpredictable Future, Community, and Kindness & Love—left an indelible mark on the hearts of the graduates and the entire North Stokes community.

Congratulations to the North Stokes High School Class of 2024!